University of Tasmania

Make a gift to the Handfish Conservation Project

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Handfish Conservation Project IMAS

Red handfish are amongst the rarest fish on the planet. They are found near Hobart, Tasmania – and nowhere else in the world - and are currently on the brink of extinction. The Spotted handfish and Ziebell’s handfish are also found in Tasmania, and both are also critically endangered. These three species face serious threats from introduced species, habitat loss, and pollution.

The Handfish Conservation Project will coordinate work by the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies at the University of Tasmania, CSIRO, the Reef Life Survey Foundation and partners, under the direction of the National Handfish Recovery Team, targeting prevention of extinction of the red handfish and contributing to the recovery of all three handfish species.

This will include in-depth population studies, habitat protection and restoration, exploring captive breeding and subsequent re-introduction options, genetic sequencing of the red handfish to be able to develop innovative detection methods, and monitoring ecosystems to effectively manage for the survival of these species.
You can find out more information on The Handfish Conservation Project website.

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